Step into history with this iconic navy blue military jacket, a relic from the 1940s worn during the Korean War. Adorned with 2 distinctive patches denoting its former colonel wearer, this Ike field jacket carries a legacy of valor and distinction.
Adding to its allure is a vintage fur collar, elegantly creamy beige, offering a touch of timeless luxury. The detachable collar, fastened with brass buttons and a loop on the neck of the jacket, allows for effortless customization—wear it on this jacket or style it with other outfits for a versatile and chic look.
Accentuating its vintage charm, an exquisite rhinestone brooch from the 1935s accompanies this jacket. Like the collar, this brooch is also detachable, serving as an elegant embellishment not limited to this jacket alone. Embrace your creativity by adorning other garments, sweaters, or accessories with this vintage piece.
Each element of this jacket holds a story, making it not just a garment but a piece of history waiting to be styled and celebrated.